But for real though, Cancer sucks. lol
I haven't lost my hair, which is a love/hate relationship. Its only been a week and half since i started chemo, some say it'll thin then fall. My aunt came over this morning and was like "You still have hair!" hahaha i know right?
I DO have this crazy rash! Its all over my chest, neck and face and a little on my shoulders/back. So itchy, itchy, itchy! I don't do well with being itchy, no shame in scratching! Ahh. It kind of looks like acne.
The prescription meds im taking daily.
-one so i don't get chicken pox again ( 3rd time)
-blood thinners
-another antibiotic
Some of these meds make you constipated, not gunna lie, I just want to be on a healthy poop schedule again. I don't know if you've ever been constipated but my pipes don't like being jammed packed. It feels like cramps. ugh. The best way I've upped my Fiber intake is this amazing cereal, FiberOne. Mix 1/2 a cup of that with Honey Bunches of Oats! Boom, healthy deliciousness!
With that being said, I've been able to eat again, but eating "healthy" does not sounds appetizing. So for all you out there, im human too, "shitty" food is the only thing sounding good. I love Butter! I haven't eaten mayonnaise in a long time, the other day I put it in my tuna, Bomb! lol Starchy food is delicious! Potatoes and Corn! Plus there's nothing more comforting than a QUESADILLA!! I'm craving Mexican food like crazy! Carb me up! I dont feel as guilty because my stomach can only tolerate certain foods. and the smells... don't even get broccoli near me! I LOVE broccoli but since chemo, no gracias. Vegetables do not sound great. Sorry body :/ i pride myself in my nutritious choices but the drugs make it soooo hard! ( Trust me, i know the struggle is beyond real! ) Sneaking in Spinach in smoothies is a way I trick myself too.
Another side effect is Mouth Sores. ouchie. Like under my tongue I've got little bumps and sores, gotta be careful and not eat food that might inflame them, like acidic fruits.
Headaches!! aghhh the worst part about Cancer! I don't know if its because i haven't eaten, or the drugs, or the lack of sleep, or the sensitivity to light or the lack of exercise! Idk, but i have to deal, and they're ANNOYING!
Okay enough negative nancy talk! Im doing really great actually. I'm going to start exercising again. I feel best in the morning, fatigue sets in around 3pm. if i can early onset my fatigue after exercise then ill be able to Nap earlier and go to sleep earlier. That's the plan but my body might have a different idea. lol
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