Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who wants to see my Cancer growths?!

Curious about my growths?
Fair warning.. You're gunna see me in my Bra.
This is for Educational and Information purposes ONLY!

Well the oncologists that gathered here in Santa Barbara said they had never seen anything like this with PMBCL. So heyy I'm A first  :)
Its a Shock to them because my lymph nodes became inflamed and they penetrated through my chest wall, which means they poked through to the other side of my ribs! Keep in mind my tumor, or whatever also affected the lymph nodes in my chest cavity!  So I was affected inside and outside. The growth in its entirety was about 10cm in width.

In the following pictures you can mostly just notice the growth near my sternum. (first picture)If you take a close look at MY LEFT chest you can see the "flatter" "wider" growth. In comparison to the right side you can see the swelling. It's not my Breasts; I have small boobs lol


IN CURRENT NEWS... the growths on the surface have completely deflated! You can feel minor scar tissue but the chemo is doing its job! Wooooooo